<a href="https://ermiliablog.wordpress.com/category/picture-it-write/" target="_blank"><img src="https://i2.wp.com/i115.photobucket.com/albums/n320/LadySerendipity/pictureitandwrite2copy-1.png" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Ermilia hosts an interesting writing session every week

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__picture it & write


Time is running out!

All dressed up and ready for the wedding!

I wonder?

Here comes the organising sister again. I don’t have time to think about problems anymore. “What’s wrong?” I whispered. “We can’t get the music going! You have to help.”

I hate it, why can’t they think for themselves. I am so nervous and now I have to resolve another issue.

When is she coming? It is already 3:30pm. Thirty minutes late! I am sweating, do I still look good? This bow tie is very hot and I can’t breath.

Ah, something is happening now! Here they come at last.

Mother first, flower girls…… nothing……. waiting. Music  is playing now, father and my beautiful wife to be.

She took my arm and whispered softly: “They forgot to pick me up. I had to drive myself to church”

This made me smile and relax a bit.

18 responses to “Picture it & write”

  1. scrapydotwo Avatar

    Yes it could have ended differently if the bride wasn’t that desperate.:D


  2. John Yeo Avatar

    A lovely twist at the end ~ I could see a red light looming on the horizon for a moment there 😉


  3. John Yeo Avatar

    A lovely twist at the end


    1. scrapydotwo Avatar

      Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it

      Liked by 1 person

  4. anotherday2paradise Avatar

    Really cute ending. 🙂


    1. scrapydotwo Avatar

      Thanks(It really happened, family forgot to take her with them. She was left on her own. Her sister had to go back and pick her up!)


  5. Ermilia Avatar

    That’s a cute end. I like when couples still get to be themselves in the very formal event of a wedding. It’s a good thing she got there on time too!

    – Ermisenda


    1. scrapydotwo Avatar

      Yes we all wondered what is happening and then just suddenly it changes for the best.


  6. rondomtaliedraai Avatar

    Oulik… en die mooiste foto


  7. milliethom Avatar

    I love your interpretation of the photo Scrapydo. This is the second one I’ve read today about a wedding – and mine makes three. I wonder how many more there are? Yours has a nice, romantic ending, after an excellent twist. Nicely written. 🙂


    1. scrapydotwo Avatar

      Thank you for your nice words( it is sometimes hard to express myself in English!) You know the photo just triggers something and off you go.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. milliethom Avatar

        You write really well in English, Scrapydotwo and it always flows nicely. I agree that some prompts just have that look or sound about them and ideas just seem to surge. Others you need to mull over for a while before an idea strikes. You obviously really liked this one. 🙂


  8. Xena Phoenix Avatar

    Bruid so na my hart.

    Laat my dink aan ‘n storie wat ek eendag gelees het. Die vrou gaan in kraam en haar man jaag hospitaal toe. Hy hol al skreeuend na binne en dit is eers toe hulle hom vra waar is sy vrou dat dit hom tref: hy het haar by die huis gelos.


    1. scrapydotwo Avatar

      Ja, as jy iets wil gedoen he moet jy soms maar inspring en self iets doen. Gelukkig sy het n kar en die sleutels gehad! Die bruidegom het saam met die strooijonker gery en sy kar by haar gelos. Ha ha, lekker draai in die hele ding


  9. Spokie sny spoor Avatar
    Spokie sny spoor

    Mmmm – dit laat mens wonder ne?


    1. scrapydotwo Avatar

      Jy moenie nog praat nie


  10. nowathome Avatar

    Ah!! Lovely twist in this story!!


    1. scrapydotwo Avatar

      Thank you! (fluister dit is waar!)


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