Glow in the dark. Sunday photo fiction September 13, 2015

121 09 September 13th 2015

Sunday Photo Fiction is a weekly writing challenge where a photo is used as a prompt for a piece of fiction using around 200 words.

Sunday Photo Fiction – September 13th 2015


Only a whooshing sound could be heard as the green glowing drop came nearer.

The two runaway teenagers stood as if glued to the ground. It was a fearful noise and sight. Dorothy, the older girl, whispered: “What are we going to do? Run or wait?”

No answer came from the frightened Betty.

They were not supposed to be here. They were warned not to take the route through the forest. But no, they had to run away. Everything was worked out how they would escape the dangers in the wood.

The floating light came nearer and nearer. Both girls grabbed each other, covering their eyes into each other’s shoulders.

Suddenly there was a muffled:”Ouch!” and a crashing noise.

Both girls shrieked and opened their eyes.

“I told you not to go into the woods!” said a familiar voice.

Both girls were relieved to see Amy. She also joined the runaway party!


13 responses to “Glow in the dark. Sunday photo fiction September 13, 2015”

  1. milliethom Avatar

    A good build-up of tension, Scrapydo. Dark forests are scary places, especially for youngsters who have had their heads filled with creepy tales.


    1. Avatar

      Ha ha, yes they can give each other a fright without really knowing it.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. milliethom Avatar

        They certainly did. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Spokie sny spoor Avatar

    Boeiend. Hou ook van die misterieuse daarin.


    1. Avatar

      Ja, ek sien nogal hoe spokerig die groen dot is.


  3. rondomtaliedraai Avatar

    Die les: Moenie weghol nie. Leller storie


    1. Avatar

      Dis egter vir baie lekker om weg te hardloop, eerder as om n oplossing te vind.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Sunday Fiction Avatar

    What they are running away from must be a lot scarier than what is in the woods if they are willing to brave the woods. Great story


    1. Avatar

      Amy scared them. I think she was the one telling them to look out for the dangerous wood.


  5. nowathome Avatar

    Die storie hou ‘n mens geboei tot aan die einde!! Well done!!


    1. Avatar

      Dankie jul kommentaar op my skrywe beteken vir my baie!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Priceless Joy Avatar

    Hopefully Amy came to rescue them from the dangerous woods rather than running away with them. Great story Scrapydo2! Good tension and mystery with a surprise ending!


    1. Avatar

      Ha ha, Thanks, Shows if you play jokes on others it can back fire.

      Liked by 1 person

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