At last!

I am nearly ready to print my book. It is going to be about my time still in the Netherlands. We immigrated to South Africa in the beginning of 1952. My sixth birthday happened on the ship. I remember a few snippets from my early time in the Netherlands.

I went back in 1974 to revisit my birthplace. What an adventure to see everything through the eyes of a grown up.

I would appreciate it if you could give me advise and comment on the two cover pages.

Which one looks the best?

What about the font of the writing?

Clear enough?



51 responses to “Cover page? Which one looks best?”

  1. Forestwood Avatar

    It is too late to say too much now, but did you go with the one on the right? A border finishes it off well.


    1. Avatar

      Both of them did not work out. I still used the wording and photo but had to change it because CreateSpace had some issues when they printed it. Did not look good. Did you have a look here?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Forestwood Avatar

        CreateSpace? Is that a program? I will look at the link.


        1. Avatar

          It’s the place where you can upload your book and you can create an eBook or a paperback which they print on demand. Amazon is the printing company owner.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Forestwood Avatar

            Is there a fee?


            1. Avatar

              No that’s the secret of it. They sell it through Amazone and you get royalties which is a percentage of the price. I did everything myself no costs. Only to get the proof you need to pay a US$3 and then the postage which is expensive. About $30 for express delivery.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Forestwood Avatar

                Ah! There has to be some cost and postage is not too bad considering there are nominal up front fees. How many copies did you order, if I may ask?


                1. Avatar

                  I am planning to get 10 copies. Also because I am the author I pay minimum cost for book. Say the book is up for 9dollars I pay only just under 3 dollars per book.


                  1. Forestwood Avatar

                    That doesn’t sound too bad. I hope you find lots of buyers!!


                    1. Avatar

                      Not bad but I had to do a lot of reading and a short “how to create an eBook on CreateSpace” which helped me a lot.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. Forestwood Avatar

                      No doubt. I looked into it a little as Mabel and I are formulating a book together – it is some times away yet.


                    3. Avatar

                      Sounds good. Now that I’ve done it I feel very proud of myself doing it all on my own. There are a few things that are not as it should be. To many open spaces between writing and photos.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    4. Forestwood Avatar

                      If you are anything like me, there will be no point where you cannot say, ” I would not change a thing” – you just have to reach a point and let it be done!

                      Liked by 1 person

  2. Leya Avatar

    I like them both, but think the left one looks more of the “times gone by” you are writing about. So – my choice is the left one. Congrats on finishing your book!


    1. Avatar

      Thank you. I have changed it some more and Createspace has accepted the cover but not the content yet. They don’t do print books with less than 24 pages, mine is 19 at the moment. I’m going to put some more in manuscript before sending it again.


      1. Leya Avatar

        OK, must be a great feeling having accomplished such a task!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. HesterLeyNel Avatar

    Besluite! Besluite! Ek sal maar net sê: voorspoed!


    1. Avatar

      Ja wat, dit hou mens aan die gang. Ek is al besig van laas Desember en dit is amper weer volgende Desember. Beplan darem om dit in November gepubliseer te kry. Dankie vir die voorspoed wense ek waardeer dit baie.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Hier "blok" Ek! Avatar

    the framed one, beautiful x


    1. Avatar

      Thank you, each comment counts!


  5. Kameel Avatar

    Te veel stemme gaan jou deurmekaar maak….. dus sê ek net voorspoed met die boek.


    1. Avatar

      Nee wat ek speel nog met die voorblad. Die binnekant is al netjies volgens hoe ek dit gaan probeer. Ek kan gelukkig dit nog verander. Ek doen alles self so ek toets maar eers. Gaan eers n proef boek laat druk om te kyk hoe dit lyk.


  6. easyweimaraner Avatar

    I love the one on the left ;o)


    1. Avatar

      Thanks, it was my first choice but it disappeared while I was changing the position. I’m still a novice when it comes to this book stuff. Licks and high paws from Trompie.


  7. seegogga Avatar

    Ek sou ook foto na middel skuif en jou naam na onder, binne-in raampie van prent 2 of dalk liewer sonder d raampie. Outydse roufoto’s het so ‘n swart strepie omgehad en dis mos nie ‘n roufoto nie. Vir my is balans belangrik, en die skrif so langs die foto en niks onder ni, pla my. Ek verkies die letter tipe en skruf van die 2de prent.


    1. Avatar

      Baie dankie alle tips help. Ek het ook nogal gedink aan die omlyning wat soos n doodsberig lyk. Aan die anderkant beweer hul weer as dit wit op wit is moet mens n raampie om die inhoud sit.(agterkant van Amazone se advertensies is wit waarop die bladsy moet afsteek.


  8. Anne Avatar

    My sixpence worth is that the font on the left is clearer and provides more gravitas than the right-hand font. I agree you should experiment with Toortsie’s suggestion though and leave the date off the cover.


    1. Avatar

      Thanks a lot for your suggestion. I’ll play around some more and put another one on soon.


  9. Toortsie Avatar

    Ek hou meer van die eerste een se font.
    Moet die datum op die voorblad kom?


    1. Avatar

      Die eerste font is beslis n duideliker een as tweede een. Sal beslis die datum uithaal want dit gaan bestis in die binneblad met publikasie inligting verskyn. Gaan nog bietjie rondspeel. Baie dankie vir die voorstel.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Toortsie Avatar

        As ek nog iets mag sê: Wees versigtig vir te veel spasie tussen JUST en ME.


        1. Avatar

          Mmm dis nogal. Daar is twee spasies, ek kan dit na een spasie maak.

          Liked by 1 person

  10. lekkervurig Avatar

    Die raam lok mens se oog na die fraaie foto


    1. Avatar

      Dit is so. Dit hou beslis die oog binne in die bladsy. Dankie vir jou bydrae.


  11. Toortsie Avatar

    Mag ek maar??jy hoef nie te doen wat ek sê nie.
    Ek sou jou foto gesentreer het in die middel met niks langsaan geskryf nie. Foto mag selfs bietjie groter kom.
    Naam van boek bietjie groter en meer indrukwekkend bo-aan met die tweede reëltjie bietjie kleiner.
    Nou gaan ek eers posr en weer kyk en verder kom sê.


    1. Avatar

      Jy mag maar! Dis hoekom ek vra vir hulp. Die foto is gekompakteer as ek hom groter maak verloor hy digtheid(so iets!)Gaan beslis nog bietjie al die tips probeer en kyk wat werk die mooiste. Naam van boek sal beslis duideliker wees as dit groter en swarter is. Dit moet leesbaar wees as dit so klein geadverteer word op Amazone.Dankie vir die tips ek waardeer dit

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Toortsie Avatar

        Dit mowt uitstaan tusse 60 ander boeke op 2cm x 2 cm


        1. Avatar

          Netso, dis hoekom skrif duidelik moet wees. Ek gaan ook net swart op wit gebruik want kleur kos duurder. Ek kan dalk een van Createspase se templates gebruik vir voorblad met n bietjie kleur in. Weet net nie of hul foto sal insit nie.

          Liked by 1 person

  12. Miriam Hurdle Avatar

    I like the one on the right also!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Avatar

      Thank you for the comment.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Miriam Hurdle Avatar

        Congratulations on the finishing of your memoir.


        1. Avatar

          Thanks, it’s only the first six years. The rest is massive!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Miriam Hurdle Avatar

            I know what you mean. I also write my first seven years. The rest is overwhelming! I have to start writing chunks then put them together. It’s hard for now to write chronologically.


            1. Avatar

              Yes, it feels as if it never ends. Lucky for me I have joined a writing group in 2012 and have written a lot on my past experiences. I have divided them in South African stories and New Zealand stories. From there I put them in year groups. Enjoy your writing. It is worth it.


      1. Miriam Hurdle Avatar

        Good, that one stand out more.

        Liked by 1 person

  13. de Wets Wild Avatar

    Ek hou nou weer meer van die uitleg aan die linkerkant, Ineke.


    1. Avatar

      Ha ha, moet n geheimpie vertel! Dis my keuse van uitleg ook. Ongelukkig het ek hom laat verdwyn toe ek n rand wou omsit! So, die tweede een is eintlik my 2de keuse! Sal maar sien wat ander daarvan sê voordat ek verder besluit.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. anne leueen Avatar

    I like the one on the right myself.


    1. Avatar

      I read that you have to put a darker edge on the outside when printing white on white. The name on the book looks better as a heading to isn’t it?

      Liked by 1 person

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