Farm adventure in pictures.

I had a good time on the farm. The weather was horrible and I had to stay inside the most of the time. I had to go out in the pouring rain to let the sheep into the paddock every day, feed the chickens who are way up the hill from the house.

Chicken coop up the hill.

Sunday October 6, Family and friends visited and we had a lovely sunny day. The weather was so good that we had a barbecue in warm weather(the wind was chilly)

18 responses to “Farm adventure in pictures.”

    1. Avatar

      Was heerlike skryftyd vir my gewees.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. de Wets Wild Avatar

    Wat n wonderlike tyd in die vars lug, Ineke!


    1. Avatar

      Slegte weer het gemaak dat ek meeste van die tyd binne moes bly maar ek het elke dag sopnat gereen as ek die dier moes inlaat en voer. Dit was snags nog regtig koud ook. Ek het dit steeds geniet so op my eie.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Una Avatar

    Pragtige tonele wat jy vasgelê het, Scrapy. Ek glo jy het die kuier baie geniet.


    1. Avatar

      Baie geniet maar uitputtend met die skape wat telkens uitgebreek het en teruggejaag moes word.


  3. HesterLeyNel Avatar

    Dis ongelooflik mooi daar Scrapy.


    1. Avatar

      Dit is beslis mooi. Onderlangs loop nog n rivier ook. Die wind vang mens net baie daar bo op die berg.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. rondomtaliedraai Avatar

    Gelukkig is dit darem ‘n geldjie in die sak! Jy is baie dapper.


    1. Avatar

      Jy sal vir my lag as jy gesien het hoe ek geklouter en geklim het in die nattigheid. Die skape het gedink ek is n valk of aasvo”el wat met uitgespreide vleke op hul afkom!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. rondomtaliedraai Avatar

        Klink na ‘n vreeslike avontuur.


        1. Avatar

          Dit was. My jare het ook teen my begin tel wat al die oefening betref. Gelukkig het ek elke oggend uitgerus opgestaan.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. rondomtaliedraai Avatar

            Ai toggie volgende keer moey jy ‘n vriendin saam vat of vir Bertus!


            1. Avatar

              Haha, n vriendin sal beslis n bietjie jonger wees want dis hoge opdraendes die bult uit. Was net heeltyd bang ek val en wat doen ek dan?

              Liked by 1 person

  5. Pete Avatar

    I won’t mind doing all of that to be on a farm again. City life is a grudge activity adopted under duress. At least it’s Cape Town, the great city, not another. I live smack in between two protected reserves.


    1. Avatar

      Ouch, not much space for you to move around. This house sitting is special to me. It’s the second time I did this farm. December I’m looking after a different farm.


      1. Pete Avatar

        I need a dozen. Farms. With border collies and merinos and Jersey giving rich, yellow milk. That’s how I loved to farm. And really wild Sanguni cattle that get milked with a 30.06 ready….


        1. Avatar

          Those were the days.


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