I walked all day with the idea to tell how good it feels to mean something to a five-year-old girl.

Yesterday was my last,  late afternoon,  taking care of the last kids. I had been the manager of the Pre- and Post-school centre. I had to stay till six  at night. Parents are supposed to be fined if they collect their children after six. Some stretch it up to the last minute.

Well, I had to wait till after six yesterday before this little girl was picked up by her grandmother. No explanation or apology.

Fortunately, I was in no hurry to go home. Violet, was worried why her mother did not come. I just explained that she probably had to work late.

Violet is a unique little girl. Stubborn as a donkey, outspoken and very curious, cheeky too, yet very brilliant because she is most of the time in her grandparents’ care.

All the other kids were gone by  quarter past five yesterday. I, while waiting, played games on an iPad. The last two children had gone, and I stood up to see if the PlayStation was properly turned off. My iPad still on the table. When I turned my back,  Violet slipped onto my chair, and I heard her playing on my iPad.

I said, “No, no, don’t   play my game!”

She answered, “No, I ‘m playing another game.” (She quickly took another iPad and supposedly started playing) I turned around again, and she played mine again.  I did just like her and blew up my cheeks and looked angry at her. (She thoroughly enjoyed my reaction) I went back to the table and said I want my seat back. She moved on to the next  chair. We played my game because I  supposedly could not play the game and she knew how. (What adults won’t give up to make the little ones happy.) We played for a  while. Very excited Violets put one leg halfway on my lap. We enjoyed playing-she won the steps each time with a little help from me. In the end, she sat on my lap. Violet had forgotten that her mother had not turned up yet. Sy was very satisfied and happy.

This brings me to the real part of the story. Violet is a five-year-old girl, no father, the mother still very young. Her grandparents are doing their best to keep an eye on her. She feels uncertain of her circumstances. She has the cutest face, speaking blue eyes.

I feel so grateful and fortunate to be able to cherish this tiny girl. All she asks is a little bit of love and trust. She totally believes in me. She will, for example, come to me and tell me if something is wrong. How can adults hurt, harass or even kill a child like this? It’s so unfair.

Children are so fragile and vulnerable.

Image result for little girl playing pictures

11 responses to “Grateful”

  1. nowathome Avatar

    Dis so jammer dat hulle so moet grootword!! Hulle is gelukkig om jou te he, Ineke!


    1. Avatar

      Weet jy dit doen my hart goed om te weet ek kan iets vir hulle beteken. Daar is ook ouers wat werklik dankbaar is vir die oppas van hul kindertjies. Dit is ook n bonus as ouers tevrede is dat hul kindjie geborge voel.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. nowathome Avatar

        Dit is beslis!!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. KleinKitti Avatar

    I can picture the whole scene.


    1. Avatar

      Thanks for your visit and comment. I have at least six of these five-year-old kiddies who look up to me for comfort.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Colline Avatar

    Yes, but people like you come into her life to right the wrong just a little. And she probably knows that you care for her.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Avatar

      It makes me grateful that I can do something to keep them safe while in after school care. They need us to grow up.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Colline Avatar

        I agree with you. And we do the best that we can.


        1. Avatar

          So true, you can’t do otherwise!


  4. perdebytjie Avatar

    Ag so mooi Ineke…my hart bloei vir verwaarloosde kinders!


    1. Avatar

      Dis nie net verwaarloos nie, dis net dat hul nie n kans het om werklik veilig te kan opgroei nie

      Liked by 1 person

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